Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Mild Chemical Turmoil

Today is a day of mild chemical turmoil.

Nothing profound, just one of those days that I get some months, when I am just not myself.

My skin has invited a huge pimple to live temporarily on my chin, and to my dismay, it invited some friends to keep it company.

My rational mind is a bit boggled too. It took forever to decided what to wear (how hard can choosing between two black sweaters be) only for me to decide, literally as we were walking out the door, I wanted to wear the other sweater after all.

It doesn't just affect visual things, but speech too. I noticed that I was unusually full of bitchy, grumbling, sooky comments for no reason.

Fortunately my boyfriend was very patient and merely amused as he watched me dither, mumble, whinge and rage.

On the way to work, when we finally got out of the door, I mentioned that perhaps I am not really fit to be in public today and should wear an 'Approach with Caution' sign.

He laughed but didn't disagree or say anything at all. Smart man.

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