I don't suffer from arachnophobia, but I don't particularly like spiders either.
Growing up in Australia, the land of large and hairy huntsman, you learn to deal with them. I used to be a master of the piece-of-paper-and-jar capture technique.
Since moving to Canada, my life has been relatively free of spiders, the few I have seen always seem so tiny compared to the huntsmen.
Now that I live in a condo and winter has arrived the local spider population have moved indoors and seem to really like my bathroom.
The first few I either ignored or quickly disposed of, then one got ambitious and decided to take residence on the ceiling immediately above the sink. This I was less nonchalant about, as the last thing I need is a spider falling into my hair as I wash my face or on to my toothbrush.
I decided to take action, this bathroom was too small for both of us, the spider had to go. Unfortunately being on the ceiling made the previously mentioned paper/jar technique too tricky; using a shoe too likely to leave a mark. We don't own any bug spray so I had to be creative.
Out came the Freebreeze, which I liberally sprayed my opponent with. Unlike humans who enjoy the scent of Freebreeze, the eight-legged creature was obviously very unhappy (despite smelling nice) and acted quite 'drunk'. So 'drunk' he fell - attached to a piece of his web - precariously between the sink and the ceiling, which helped no one.
Unsure what to do, as I merely wished to kill not torture him, I tried to release him from the web to go down the sink. He by now was pissed-off and wiggly, I freaked out, so more Freebreeze was applied. At this point there was so much Freebreeze in the small room we were both nearly knocked unconscious.
Eventually I knocked him off his web and down the sink, I ran the tap to wash him away and to wash some of the Freebreeze off him. Mission accomplished.
The next morning my boyfriend was in the bathroom and commented "there's a mark on the ceiling, looks like something was sprayed"...I didn't say a word.